Thermoelectric Sugar Glass maker
Derived from Seeback and Peltier effects, I devised a polarity reversing microheater for sugar glass, which entails liquid, amorphous, and solid phases. A Doc can be found here.
My Role: Individual Research
Thermoelectrical energy theory + applications. Isomalt glass making. Prototyping electric heater.
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
1 month prototype + 1 week documentation
GitBook documentation, Low-fi prototype
The process
Documentation + Code can be found in GitBook
I left full documentation of the detailed its and bits throughout the journey of making a heater/cooler for sugar objects with ONE PELTIER module. Hope readers can enjoy the agony and so many trials of making this possible. :)
Process Overvew:
Using ONE PELTIER to enable a cooling and heating for sugar object. Devising a micro-heater to visualize the three distinct phases of liquid, amorphous, and solid isomalt (sugar) glass.
Interaction Idea
Basic rules:
Temperature is regulated to keep the sugar glass melted to around 55 celcius degrees (In heating mode).
Once button is pressed, it drops the temperature by reversing polarity.
Once it reaches the cooled temperature (minTemp 20), it goest through 9s stableTime to declare it's been cooled.
Then it switches back to heating mode.
With thermo-pigment ink
Video Overview
How does it work?